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kelsey smith briggs - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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kelsey briggs
Nacido enOklahoma
2 years
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Austin Manleys Granny
You are home free forever sweet child .. where none can harm you ever again ..peace & light is yours now baby girl.((HUGS))xxx
Shakita Green
I'll always remember you precious angel. one sweet day, you and your daddy will be reunited. until then, r.i.p princess.
You will live FOREVER in heaven with God now, have a Merry Christmas in heaven sweet sweeet girl
Carol Henschel
God Bless this beautiful little angel. She will suffer pain no more at the hands of an evil person. R.I.P. sweet girl!!!!
ViveK NoeL
Am so sorry to hear about little Kelsey, God bless this little angel,she is in gods arms now where she will be safe.
Cris Villa
Am so sorry to hear about little Kelsey
Cindy Quinn
God bless this little angel,she is in gods arms now where she will be safe. from a concerned citizen who read her story.
Luke 17:2 austin manleys gran
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were cast into the sea, rather then he should offend on
kelsey briggs
Remember kelsey
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